
Origin: -30.03392° N, -51.22799° E   (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Style: Brazilian-Style Lager

Tagline: Far Beyond the Expected

Taste personality:

Color: Radiant gold with subtle shades of amber

Body: Light-bodied with great head retention

Nose: Clean and balanced with a Pleasant subtle aroma of Amazing

Taste: Crisp & refreshing with a slightly sweet malty backbone, characteristic of finely crafted Brazilian lagers. a wonderfully clean finish that leaves no “Bready” aftertaste.

Drinkability: Yes-very much so.

A tasty change from industrial mexican lagers

Pairings: Colorado SUnshine, Laughter, Friends, un-beaten Paths

Sensory COmparison:

Liquid bossa nova,

Silky Samba

Raucous Rio de Janiero

Spirit Animal: The Adventurous Toucan