

When you first meet “Dado” you are suspicious he may be Pierce Brosnan’s Brazilian doppelgänger. You are greeted with a hug and a kiss on each cheek and it seems as if he has been here waiting excitedly for you alone. A few minutes into the conversation, you’ll learn he is a semi-professional surfer who has lived for years following the currents and his daydreams to the next shoreline. His tales of travel to Portugal, Baja, the Maldives and Costa Rica (Is there a more interesting place he’s been to?) are mesmerizing and he knows this great spot down in Equador- off the beaten track, still undiscovered, that he promises will be magnificent if you agree to come with. Dado speaks half in words and half in movements, creating a conversational dance wherever he is. Your beer is never empty and yes, he finally gets around to admitting--my ancestors were all brewers, my last name really is actually “Bier”. Somehow this statement might be the least incredible part of the legend who has filled up the room…

Ralph Alvarez