Roses are Read, Dados are Yellow (ish)


While the largest mass migration of people is starting to roll down after Lunar New Year and the yawns from the Super Bowl are rightfully mourned, our attention flicks away to the upcoming holidays.  Chocolate hearts are showing up in Walgreens and there is an abundance of reds and pinks in the floral department. Your significant other may be dropping hints about dinner reservations or a shirt they put on hold. You may be sweating, realizing that maybe it is time to figure out that thing with that one person you may or may not have been seeing semi-regularly. You may be swearing off corporate Hallmark holidays in protest or may be buying a teddy bear larger than you and cursing its existence as you wrestle with it in the Uber home. You could be mentally preparing yourself for the Thursday rush you will be working and coming to terms with the fact that you will be giving at least one unrequited love therapy session at the bar. Here, the only thing we know for certain is no matter who you are-the day will come and go and every type of love should be celebrated with a cold Dado, a wonderful sunset (preferably Brazilian), and a hearty raid of the day-after-Valentine’s-Day-candy-sales. Saude!

Ralph Alvarez